How do you react to poor customer service? Tell a friend? Complain? Or quickly switch to another provider?
95% of customers will take some kind of action after receiving poor service, this means that for 50% of people, they’ll be taking their business elsewhere…..
With the economy finally lurching out of the gloom and unemployment rates falling, it seems we are as determined as ever to keep a keen eye on value for money and that doesn’t just mean counting the pennies. We have become more choosy than ever when it comes to brand loyalty.
Service has become the kingpin around which our entire relationship with a company rests. Quality of service is something that companies cannot afford to overlook.
NewVoiceMedia has researched the impact of experience on customer retention and have summed it up in their infographic ‘The effects of good and bad customer experience’.
What stands out is that, despite all the channels of communication now available, two thirds of us still see the telephone as the quickest way to reach a company.
But the ‘phone is often a hurdle that many companies fall at; woe betide the business who puts us on hold, passes us around numerous departments or can’t help us immediately as we’ll be off to a competitor without a second glance.
So, how do you stop your customers from switching?
- Always have a real person on the end of the ‘phone – people have no problem hanging up instantly on a machine
- Make sure your staff are friendly and knowledgeable – tone of voice is contagious and it may help to ease a caller’s frustration
- Never keep your customers hanging around or on hold – it will make them feel forgotten about
- And remember that First Impressions Count – make the most of every phone call
Call us on 0800 0835159 with any queries or email [email protected] for any extra information.